Blog #1 - My Favourite Games!
For my first blog entry, I thought I'd keep things casual.
Perhaps my future blogs will be about more technical subjects such as the work I do, but in this case I have opted to simply list my favourite computer games.
So here they are, in a 'kind-of' particular order...
1) Bioshock
2) Bioshock Infinite
3) Portal 2
4) Portal
5) Limbo
6) Inside
7) Rayman Origins
8) Rayman Legends
9) Braid
10) Jet Set Radio
11) Oddworld: Abe's Exodus
12) Burnout Revenge
13) Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
14) Gears of War
15) Gears of War 2
16) Halo 3
17) Battlefield 3 (Multiplayer)
18) Trials Evolution
19) Borderlands 2
20) Icey
21) Soulstice
22) Ilomilo
23) Sonic the Hedgehog 2
24) Timesplitters 2
25) Freelancer
26) Chu Chu Rocket
27) Hexic HD
And that is all of them!
Each one is highly recommended.
Bye for now!