Coding -> Games


Harmony is the project I am currently focusing on. It's a 2D sidescroller game about a girl character that can play musical notes. I can't reveal information about this project yet, but I can share a prototype video that was designed to show how the gameplay might look. This prototype was developed in Unity, but I am now developing the game with Unreal Engine 5.


'Spacetank' is the name I have to a game that I created for my Advanced Game Sound Design module in university. We were given a simple template of a tank in a tiny maze, and were tasked to create a game using C# in Unity and Fmod. 

 The focus of the project was intended to be split between audio and psychology. The aspect of psychology in question was that aspect which makes a player 'addicted' to a game, and also immersed in a game. I re-designed the project template to be 3D, rather than use the top-down view of the original template. Then I designed something like a racetrack that the tank has to traverse. If the tank hits the walls of the tunnel, it explodes and the player has to try again from the beginning. Throughout the track there are collectable musical notes which play when the tank/spaceship (oh yeah - I took the wheels off of the tank mesh and turned into a spaceship) drives into them. There are also 'chord barriers' which change the chord of the background music when the tank/spaceship passes through them. The music system is designed to progress as the player progresses; the further the player gets along the track, the more arpeggiated the music becomes. The collectable notes are in the same musical key as the background music, meaning the player can collect the notes at random and the result still sounds relatively musical. The last thing about this game to note is the speed barriers; as the player encounters speed barriers, the speed of the tank/spaceship increases, making it trickier not to crash. If all goes well the player reaches the end of the level by crashing into the sun at the end of the track.

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